Anne Hathaway Havoc (sex in bed)
Naomi Watts - 21 Grams
Diane Lane - The Big Town
Denise Richards (w-Neve Campbell) - Wild Things (lesbian pool)
Romane Bohringer- Total Eclipse
Madeline Zima - Californication
Hudson Leick - Something About Sex (AKA Denial)
Jamie Lee Curtis - Trading Places
Laura Harring and Naomi Watts - Mulholland Dr (bedroom)
Kim Basinger - The Getaway
Angelina Jolie - Gia (hallway nude)
Dana Delany and Stephanie Niznik - Exit to Eden
Demi Moore - About Last Night
Kim Basinger - 9 And A Half Weeks
uma thurman dangerous liaisons
Charlize Theron - Reindeer Games
Juliette Binoche and Lena Olin - The Unbearable Lightness of Being (photoshoot)
Daryl Hannah - At Play in the Fields of the Lord
Marisa Tomei Before the Devil Knows You're d.
Sharon Stone Basic Instinct (sex scene on bed)
Joan Severance - Red Shoe Diaries (1999)
Angelina Jolie - Original Sin
Michelle Williams - Incendiary
Reese Witherspoon - Twilight
Mathilda May - Lifeforce
Maggie Gyllenhaal - Stripsearch
Ashley Judd Norma Jean and Marilyn (photoshoot)