Save Her Ass - NieR: Automata
Elizabeth After a Bath - Bioshock
Lubricating the Heavy Machinery - Street Fighter
Throwing it Back Nova Style - Overwatch
The Best Nurse, Even Better - Final Fantasy
Rubberstamping Power Girl's Work - DC Comics
In the City's Shadow - NieR: Automata
Drained Dry by the Dhampir - BloodRayne
Love Like Venom - Metroid/Marvel
Poison's Antidote is Sex - Street Fighter
Park Service - DC Comics
Sentimental Research - DoA
Safe Sex Room - Resident Evil
Maya's Loot Box - Borderlands
Reading about the Ass Effect - Mass Effect
Overwatch - Your Spot
Public Privilege - Final Fantasy
Wrong Target - Overwatch
VIP Access - League of Legends
Tifa's Keeping You Awake - Final Fantasy
Blacklight Forensics - Cyberpunk 2077
Fantastic Banana Split - Final Fantasy
Aerith's Bed & Breakfast - Final Fantasy
Max Hideaway - Life is Strange
She's Not the Good Witch - d. or Alive
Mai Learns Balance (on a dick) - King of Fighters